Are You a Witness in Your City?

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

We often expect God to move in one of two ways: either by sending a supernatural outpouring of his Holy Spirit to sweep multitudes into his kingdom, or by sending judgment to bring people to their knees or even destroy them. But, beloved, that is not God’s method of changing things in an evil day. His way of rebuilding ruins has always been to use ordinary men and women whom he has touched. And he does this by filling them with his Holy Spirit and sending them into the warfare with great faith and power! “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4).

You are God’s witness to your city! He uses laypeople who get alone with him, seek him in prayer, rend their hearts and then go forth full of the Holy Spirit, faith and power. If God has not been using you, it may be because you have not been usable. That happens when believers get “caught up in gazing at the glory” instead of preparing to be used.

The disciples basked in the glory when Jesus was taken up into heaven. They could have stood there forever, enjoying the warm glow, but the angel of the Lord lovingly rebuked them: “Why do you stand gazing up into heaven? (Acts 1:11). There was a lot of preparation needed and tasks to be completed. “They returned to Jerusalem … went up into the upper room … [and] all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1:12-14).

When you emerge from seeking God, you can stand with boldness before fellow workers, family, anyone, and your witness will evoke one of two reactions: genuine repentance or anger you. Either way, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you will speak a word that “cuts to the heart.”

Go forth in the power of the Holy Ghost, bringing the light of Jesus everywhere you go.