The Prophecies and Promised Protection from David Wilkerson

Many people are looking to the Lord for a serious and sober word in these difficult times. My father David Wilkerson was used by the Lord to speak a message that would not only warn people of troubles to come, but to draw them into a greater walk with Christ. He used these messages to draw a nation back to God.
He often spoke of great attacks—spiritual, economic or political—that would come to the world and against the church. His heart, though, was always to turn unbelievers to God and prepare believers to weather these storms with grace. He believed that the church must be a witness, a light on the hill, in dark times.  
As he wrote in chapter four of his book God’s Plan to Protect His People in the Coming Depression, “. Jesus himself says we’re not supposed to fear any future event, no matter how devastating it may appear. 
“He says, ‘When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh’ (Luke 21:28, KJV). 
“We’re to seek the Lord alone to find hope for his church in these last days. Moreover, I’m convinced all we need to know about the evil day to come is summed up in one simple truth: God has made an ironclad promise to protect and preserve Zion….the overcoming church of Jesus Christ.”  
More than anything, he longed for a third Great Awakening to take the United States and the world by storm. Any prophesies about hardships were, in his mind, intended to draw people into God’s kingdom and the church into closer fellowship with their Lord. 

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In One Hour Everything Is Going to Change

The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to “turn the world upside down.”

The Vision Audiobook

The Vision Audiobook Podcast

The Vision is a prayerfully compiled exploration of David Wilkerson’s vision about the world and church’s future.

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Without Fault Before the Throne of God

God’s people have good reason to look beyond troubling times.

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The Church's Greatest Hour Is Still Ahead

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The Vision Audiobook

The Great Apostasy

Before the antichrist is revealed, there will be a mystery of lawlessness already at work. The one who is coming will appear after a furious activity of apostasy.

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The Trumpet Is Sounding But No One Is Alarmed

Of all the Old Testament prophets, Amos speaks most clearly to our times. The prophecy he delivers zeroes in on our generation, as if it were ripped from today's headlines.