
Turning a Filipino Saul to Paul

Rachel Chimits

An ex-Muslim helped one woman see the truth of God’s Word, which sparked her passion to do the same for others.

Carmelita absolutely could not stand these filthy evangelicals.

She could’ve sworn they’d put some kind of Bible study near her house just to drive her half crazy. People would walk past her house holding Bibles all the time, and it was unbearable. Then there came the knock on her door.

A Prayer for Ukraine

Rachel Chimits

Gary Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz offered a conference to refresh pastors in Ukraine and over 10,000 church leaders arrived to hear them.

Chernivtsi, or Cernăuți as it is called by the Romanians, has been called “Jerusalem upon the Prut” for its strategic location between Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

It has traditionally been a cosmopolitan city, home to many Romanians, Germans, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Roma and Jews.

Running the Good Race

Rachel Chimits

Pastors around the world need encouragement, refreshment and prayer from their fellow believers.

Recently, Gary Wilkerson, Kelly Wilkerson, Nicky Cruz and Carter Conlon were invited along with other pastors and leaders to speak at a pastors’ conference in Kenya. 

Expanding in Swaziland

Rachel Chimits

The gospel is spreading through Africa’s smallest country in new and innovative ways.

Eswatini, which was known as Swaziland until its king changed the name last year, is a country in southern Africa about the size of Massachusetts andwhere many of its people live in poverty and fear of HIV.  

A Stirring for a New Generation

Gary Wilkerson

Before beginning this year, with over 20 pastors’ and leadership conferences scheduled, I prayed earnestly that God would anoint the message and mightily stir the hearts of God’s called ministers. I didn’t want to just preach a nice word and receive pleasant applause but have nothing of real transformation ensue. I wanted to see a move of God in these pastors, churches and even nations.