
Fanned into Flame

Gary Wilkerson

When it comes to our walk with Christ, the Bible shows us there is a crucial difference between a spark and a torch, which we can see when we examine the lives of Saul and David. Saul had amazing experiences with God, moments that ignited in him a great zeal and provoked him to action. “Then the Spirit of God came powerfully upon Saul, and he became very angry.

Confessions of a Modern-Day Pharisee

Rachel Chimits

People these days often say, “Don’t judge” right before admitted questionable behavior, but is judging people’s choices always bad?

I don’t much care for the parable of the prodigal son.

Bratty, entitled younger sibling wreaks havoc on the household until he finally leaves to receive the just deserts of his poor choices. No Daddy and Mummy to the rescue, to cushion him from consequences.