86 Seconds Video Devotionals

We Need Deep Godly Friendships

True success comes out of community; when you do life with others rather than alone. At the end of your life, it will be the relationships you cultivated, not the accumulation of things, that will matter the most.

You Need Five Close Friends

Jesus wants us to know people well and be known by others. Gary shares the importance of friendships in our lives and his own experience with building a close knit group of people to do life with.

Healing of the Heart Builds a Healthy Family

Children are born with a desire to connect; an innate need for love. If they don't find it in a detached, angry, or absent parent, they will find it elsewhere. Gary encourages parents to find heart healing so they don't pass generational struggles onto their children. A healthy family starts with healthy parents.

Build a Family of Faith

To be holistically healthy in life, one must have a healthy family. Gary shares the importance of family, and specifically, the mindset fathers should have in balancing work and their loved ones.

Three Ways to Increase Your Faith

Continuing the conversation about faith, it's essential to know two things: what it is and the ingredients necessary for a vibrant faith. Gary shares the answer to both in today's 86 Seconds devotional.

A Faith on Fire for God

The first and most important component of Gary's 8 F's is Faith. The health of your faith with affect all other areas of your life, so it's essential to cultivate a passion for Him. Do this and watch the other areas of your life flourish.

An Introduction to the 8 F's

Gary shares that to live a better life and make a better world, there are 8 F's that operate as cylinders to this core message. Healthy attributes that work together in bringing balance and health to your life.

Gary's Core Message

Gary shares his core message for life: that there is a better life found in Jesus, and we are called to build a better world. Truth is, they go hand in hand.

Building Your Life Around Insecurities

Already have a plan for your steps? This desire to control your future often stems from insecurity. Find peace in knowing you are loved and accepted by God and rest in his plan for your life.

Loving Yourself

Do you ever feel like you're out of place or don't belong? This lack of self-confidence is really birthed out of a lack of self-love. To love yourself isn't selfish—it's a confidence in knowing your value and worth in God's eyes.